Weekly Meets
Team Practices:
Track Workouts: Tuesdays- We have resumed meeting for track workouts at Duniway Track @ 5:45 pm
*If you are interested in joining us for track, please reach out ahead of time to: runteamathena@gmail.com, so that we know you are coming and we can look out for you.
*You can come and try up to 3 practices to make sure that it is the right fit for you before deciding to join. If you decide to join the team, you can then pay the yearly membership fee for Team Athena.
Track Etiquette:
Never step on to the track without looking in both directions and yielding the right of way to the runners on the track.
Never stand still on the track and/ or near the finish line.
No walking or jogging in Lane 1 or Lane 2. This is the fast lane or passing lane. Walking or jogging will be done in the outer lanes.
Never run more than two abreast. This makes it harder to pass you and your group. You also end up running further if you are on the outside.
If someone yells ”TRACK!”, move. You are not following the first four rules.
Intervals are run in a counter clockwise direction and in the inner lanes.
All walking or jogging is done in a clockwise direction and in lanes 6, 7, and 8.
Pass slower runners on the right when running on the inner lanes.
Pass slower runners on the left when running in lanes 3 or 4.
When being passed, hold your position. If you move suddenly to the right or the left, someone may get hurt.
When finishing, always be aware of other runners still running on the track; don’t just stop.
When starting, always be aware of other runners finishing or continuing for another lap.
In general, offer everyone the courtesy and respect you would expect them to give to you.